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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Some TAP Articles on Education

I just came across this article in The American Prospect (TAP), a liberal mag with a fascinating look at How the Dems Lost on Education .

Related is
The Teacher Autonomy Paradox which explains a lot of hard to understand things like why the Teachers' unions continue to oppose testing standards.

I think what I like about them is that they state so clearly what seems so obvious yet no one talks about it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

SATs vs Grades? SATs Win!

The NYT has an article that shows statistically that SATs are a better predictor of college success than grades. So a 3+ hour exam and two-three 1 hr+ exams work betterthan all the collective effort of 4 years worth of HS teachers' painstakingly wrought grades with extra credit, partial credit, and did-your-homework credit. Priceless!